Sunday, August 7, 2011

I am a gourmet French dog

Mommy says I am a picky eater because I am French, and in France the food is so good and everyone is picky about their food. I don't know why. I just know that I like to eat only what I like to eat. Since I am a hound that follows my nose, it has to smell good, and meat is the best thing to eat.

When Mommy and Daddy took me from the farm, I was used to eating what all the other dogs ate. I didn't know about the food Dennis and his family ate. I could smell the food for the goats and ducks and other animals on the farm, but it didn't smell good to me.

When we got to my new home, I learned about food in America. It was very different than France. Mommy would try to give me something she called a "Milkbone" and that other dogs like, but not me. I smelled it and turned away.

She tried other snacks too, but I would not eat them until she gave me one that was just dried chicken. It was chewy and tasted really good.

Mommy gave me new dried food, it was crunchy but it did not taste good to me. I did not want to eat it. Mommy tried putting other things in it. She tried putting in something she called an egg but I still would not eat. Then one day Mommy tried putting in some chicken food from a can with my other food. That tasted good.

When Mommy is in the kitchen making dinner for her and Daddy, Sam and Sarah, it smells so good. I can be outside the house and it smells good. I can be down the street on a walk with Daddy and it smells good, especially chicken.

I go crazy for chicken. I bark and talk until I get some chicken. I try to get chicken from Mommy's plate if she is not watching. She yells at me and says bad dog, "mauveau chien". But I can't help it, I love chicken.

I eat other meat too because it smells so good, but chicken is still my favorite.

Sometimes, Mommy is laughing and happy and she will take three different treats and put them on the floor. I go over and smell each one, think about what smells the best, and pick my favorite. She thinks that's funny.

Sometimes I walk up to something she is trying to give me and I smell it, and I don't like it and I make a sound, pfffft, and walk away. Other times, I smell it and I am not sure if I will like it, so I take it with my teeth, and put it in the floor and lick it until I decide. If I like it I will eat it and go back for more. If I don't, I walk away.

Mommy loves me even if I am a picky eater, because I am French, so she understands.

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