Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Future publications - please contact us for more

of Avril's Travels

what you've been reading is the first few chapters of Book One - Avril Comes to America.

Please contact us via www.jadorefrance.net to order.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm a special dog

Mommy says so. She says I'm special because I can do special things.

I an drink water from a glass. Sometimes when we travel we stay in a hotel like the one in Cannes. When we travel sometimes I need to drink water and Mommy does not have my bowls ready. So I can drink from a glass.

Sometimes I can even drink from a bottle. I like my water very cold and fresh. When we travel or when we go out, Mommy and Daddy will give me very cold water from a bottle. I like to drink it with my tongue, sipping it when it comes out and spills on me, or sticking my tongue inside the bottle carefully to get more water.

It is fun to drink water this way. Any dog can drink it from a bowl. But I am a special dog.

I am a gourmet French dog

Mommy says I am a picky eater because I am French, and in France the food is so good and everyone is picky about their food. I don't know why. I just know that I like to eat only what I like to eat. Since I am a hound that follows my nose, it has to smell good, and meat is the best thing to eat.

When Mommy and Daddy took me from the farm, I was used to eating what all the other dogs ate. I didn't know about the food Dennis and his family ate. I could smell the food for the goats and ducks and other animals on the farm, but it didn't smell good to me.

When we got to my new home, I learned about food in America. It was very different than France. Mommy would try to give me something she called a "Milkbone" and that other dogs like, but not me. I smelled it and turned away.

She tried other snacks too, but I would not eat them until she gave me one that was just dried chicken. It was chewy and tasted really good.

Mommy gave me new dried food, it was crunchy but it did not taste good to me. I did not want to eat it. Mommy tried putting other things in it. She tried putting in something she called an egg but I still would not eat. Then one day Mommy tried putting in some chicken food from a can with my other food. That tasted good.

When Mommy is in the kitchen making dinner for her and Daddy, Sam and Sarah, it smells so good. I can be outside the house and it smells good. I can be down the street on a walk with Daddy and it smells good, especially chicken.

I go crazy for chicken. I bark and talk until I get some chicken. I try to get chicken from Mommy's plate if she is not watching. She yells at me and says bad dog, "mauveau chien". But I can't help it, I love chicken.

I eat other meat too because it smells so good, but chicken is still my favorite.

Sometimes, Mommy is laughing and happy and she will take three different treats and put them on the floor. I go over and smell each one, think about what smells the best, and pick my favorite. She thinks that's funny.

Sometimes I walk up to something she is trying to give me and I smell it, and I don't like it and I make a sound, pfffft, and walk away. Other times, I smell it and I am not sure if I will like it, so I take it with my teeth, and put it in the floor and lick it until I decide. If I like it I will eat it and go back for more. If I don't, I walk away.

Mommy loves me even if I am a picky eater, because I am French, so she understands.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I am a bi-lingual dog.

What does that mean? Mommy says it all the time. It means I can understand words in two languages. I understand words in French and in English. I could not do this when I was little. I had to learn. It was hard. Maybe also I understand three languages because I do also speak dog. But I cannot speak English or French. I just understand certain words.

I had to learn so many things when I was little. I had to learn that I was supposed to make outside the house, not inside. I learned that I was supposed to stay in my crate in the kitchen, especially when no one was home. That was like my own little house and if I was in it, no one would bother me.

I learned the word for sit in English and how to sit. I learned the word for stay in English and how to stop and stay in one place. I don't always do that one very well because I am happy and excited and want to explore. I learned the word up in English to jump into the car for a ride, or the bed to go to sleep.

I learned the word for here in French, ici, and that meant I was supposed to come to Mommy.

I learned how to walk on a leash. Sometimes I still don't like it because I want to run and run and smell everything everywhere. It is hard to be a dog sometimes. Something tells me I am supposed to find rabbits and other animals and use to nose to find them. I don't know how I know this, but I know it. I also know I am supposed to talk to other PBGVs like me, and they are supposed to help me hunt.

I know sometimes I am supposed to be quiet, Mommy says so, she says "arette" or stop when I speak too much or too loud.

She tells me "allee" when she wants me to go with her, "let's go" she says.

I learned more words too. "Treat" is probably the most important, other than "walk" and "out". But I also know an important French word, "cadeau" or present. Mommy says I was the best present she ever got, better than diamonds, whatever those are.

I love Mommy and Daddy and love being a bi-lingual dog.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A dog with a passport

We stayed in the hotel for a few days. It was in a busy city by the beach called Cannes. I went everywhere with Mommy and my new family. I went to the beach. I went to all the restaurants where the food smelled very good.

Mommy carried me as if I was a people baby because I did not know how to walk on a leash. Mommy and Daddy bought me a collar and a leash all in pink. They bought me a pink toy pig and a fish. When I bite the toys they make a noise at me. I think that is fun.

At night I would sleep on the floor next to where Mommy was sleeping. She made a bed for me on the floor with a big towel. But early in the morning I would wake up and cry so Mommy would lift me up and put me in the bed with her and Daddy. It was nice to be with them, like the family I left on the farm.

One night everyone was on the balcony looking at the water. There was music and lights exploding over the water. It was very loud and scary. I ran into the shower to hide and stayed there until it was all over.

One day, everything changed again. we were driving in a car a long time. Then we stayed in another hotel. Mommy said we were in Geneva, in a country called Switzerland. And the next day, Mommy and I went to a big building. Mommy talked to someone and showed them a blue book. She said it was my passport. It had a picture of me and said that I had all my shots and I was healthy. It said that I was from France.

I had to be looked at by big men. Then Mommy put me in a black back and I could look out, but I did not like it and I was crying and crying. I was in the bag for a long time. It was dark and hot. There were a lot of people talking. I could smell the food they were eating, because I am a hound. I was in the bag under a seat and the place made a lot of noise and was moving. Mommy said we were in an airplane.

Then we stopped moving and a heard a bell, and everyone got up from their seats. Mommy carried me in the bag and we walked along time until finally we were outside in the fresh air. Daddy was there waiting for us. Mommy took me out of the bag and let me walk but I did not like the way the ground smelled. It was hard and grey.

We got in a car. This one smelled different. It smelled like Mommy and Daddy and Sam and Sarah. We drove a few minutes. Then Mommy said we were home. I did not know what that meant but it smelled good. There were trees and plants and places for me to hunt. I could smell the animals in the forest.

Mommy and Daddy took me in the house where Sam and Sarah were waiting for us. They gave me water and food. I was very tired and went to sleep on bed with Mommy and Daddy. I felt excited but I knew this Mommy and Daddy were going to take care of me. They were not dogs like me, but I knew I was safe.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Who am I?

My name is Avril. My mommy tells me I am a PBGV, a Petite (small) Basset (low), Griffon (scruffy and long-haired) Vendeen (from the Vendee region of France). Mommy says I am a long-haired basset hound from France. I am not sure exactly what that is, but I do know I am a dog. A happy dog. I am happy to be with my family and travel with them, especially when I return home to France.

What do I look like you ask? I am white and fluffy with a black nose and brown long floppy ears and a nice tail that I wag a lot. I can even more the tip of my tail a little bit when I get a little excited. I have spots on my belly and my skin and even in my mouth. I am not big but when I go to the dog park I am the one of the big dogs in the small dog park. I have a long body and short legs so I can't run very fast, but I can chase rabbits.

I was born in France in April 2005, so my name is Avril, French for April. I was born on a farm in a tiny town in France called Pinet. I had a mother and father, three brothers and a sister. I was little, almost three months old when everything changed in one day.

Two people, a man and a woman, came to visit and look at me. My owner, Dennis, was talking to them, and then came to get me and my sister so they could look at us. Dennis picked up my sister and handed her to the lady, then tried to pick me up. I was scared so I ran away to hide, but Dennis came to find me and carried me to the lady.

She picked me up and I could tell she really liked me. She had a nice voice and was petting me. I heard the people talking with Dennis. Then the lady and the man took me in a car. I had never been in a car before, but the lady held me on her lap and was talking to me. I could not understand what she was saying but she sounded nice and happy.

We drove to the doctor's office which I definitely did not like. The doctor looked at me, and gave me a shot to make me go to sleep. When I woke up my ear hurt from marks the doctor put in it, and everyone was working on papers that had to do with me. the lady and the man took me back to the car. Everyone seemed happy and excited. I saw the man shake hands with Dennis and the doctor.

The lady and the man took me into the car and put me in the back seat and drove away. I was not feeling good. I was excited and upset, and had all the medicine in me from the doctor. So after a while I got sick in the back seat.

The car stopped and the lady and the man were upset but cleaned me up, and cleaned up the car, and the car started again. We drove a long time.

When the car stopped again, we were at a big white building with lots of cars and people. I heard the lady and the man call it a hotel. I had never been to a hotel before.

They took me in a large box that moved. We got out into a long hallway and the lady was carrying me to a door. Behind the door were two big rooms with two children, one a boy and one a girl. They were so excited to see me. I was tired and wanted to sleep.

The lady told the children my name was Avril because I was born in April. She told them that since I was French, April in French is Avril. So, I am Avril, I am French and I am a dog.

This is my French dog story.